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As a renter or homeowner, you may have several alternatives when it comes to connect to the World Wide Web. Your chosen connection method affects how your home network should be set up for supporting Internet connection sharing. Some Internet network connection alternatives will be described here.
DSL is an example of the most common types of Internet connection. It enables high-speed networking through ordinary phone lines utilizing digital modems. You can achieve DSL connection sharing with either wireless or wired broadband routers. DSL service is in some countries also renowned as ADSL2+, ADSL2 or ADSL. Cable modem is some kind of the broadband Internet connection too. Cable Internet utilizes cable television conduits in the neighborhood instead of telephone lines. However, the same broadband routers, which share the DSL Internet connections can work with cable too. Cable Internet is constantly more commonly used if compared to DSL within the US, but in several other countries it is the opposite. Nowadays, dial up is eventually being substituted with higher-speed alternatives. Dial up utilizes regular telephone lines. However, different from DSL, the dial up connections occupy the wire, not allowing simultaneous voice calls.
Almost all home networks use ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) solutions along with the dial up Internet. In fact, dial up routers usually are expensive, hard to find, and generally don’t work well with such a sluggish Internet pipe. Commonly, dial up is used in lightly populated regions, in which DSL and cable Internet service cannot be obtained. Travelers and people with unreliable main Internet services also utilize dialup as their solid secondary access.
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